On the main Home page, and on the "home" page of each element, there is a lot of animation, which as far as I can tell, cannot be disabled. I find this extremely distracting and irritating. Caveat: I have not read this complaint in any other review, so it makes me wonder if it is just me - perhaps my age (Im in my 50s)? If my suggested enhancement (below) is implemented, I will improve my rating.
Nevertheless, I beg the author to do something about this issue. As a first pass, you could provide a switch (a setting option) which allows the user to disable all auto-animation. This would make the main Home page, and each elements home page, completely static (as well as any auto-animation that may occur in other contexts). A second pass would allow the user to disable all auto-animation, but then selectively re-enable it (such as being able to turn, spin, or immobilize an elements home page image).
Home page (forced animation - bad):
The Home page for this app is the periodic table. For each element, there is an image which either continuously rotates, or continuously scales up and down (zooms in and out). There is little benefit to this presentation, other than a gimmick factor. On the downside, however: 1) it is irritating and distracting. I have trouble focusing on one element, with all the other ones being in continuous motion. 2) the element symbols (H, He, Li, etc) arent even nicely presented - they are in a dull grey fuzzy font which does not stand out.
Of course I want to see beautiful images, animation, 3D, etc, in other parts of this app, but for the Home page, I would take almost any periodic table from a google image search over this one.
Element home pages (forced animation - bad):
On the homepage of each element, the left two thirds of the screen is taken up by an image, which is continuously animated. The right third (or less) of the screen contains information about the element. I have a lot of trouble reading the element info when most of the screen is taken up by a giant rotating gold nugget, or even worse, a big photo of Albert Einstein that continuously grows and shrinks and moves around. And even in the info portion of the screen, there are a number of smaller, yet still distracting, continous animations (such as crystal structure), together with the static info that I am trying to focus on.
Element second pages (optional animation - good):
From an elements home page, you can go to a second page for the element. The second page contains a (text) article about the element, and a number of images (mostly photographs). By default, everything is static. However, each image can be rotated, spun, or immobilized by the user. Double-clicking on an image brings up a 3D version of it (a double image which can be merged using 3D glasses or perhaps by crossing your eyes). This *optional* animation is great - if only the whole app were like this.
Ab0zy9 about The Elements by Theodore Gray